
Top 10 marketing automation workflow examples and tips

August 15, 202412 min read

Want to boost your orders, engage your customers, and save time all at once? Check out marketing automation workflows! Imagine having an automated email setup that not only reaches out to your subscribers but also frees up your time for other important tasks. It creates a smooth experience for your visitors, making sure everyone gets the same warm welcome, confirmation email, or personalized product recommendations based on what they do.

And the perks? More sales and engagement! In fact, automated messages accounted for over 29% of all email marketing orders in 2024—pretty impressive, right?

To really level up your strategy, try implementing multiple marketing workflows triggered by different actions. For example, a welcome automation can greet your new subscribers, while a cart abandonment workflow can gently remind those who added items to their cart but didn’t finish their purchase (and let’s be honest, that’s 85% of consumers in 2022!). Each group deserves a message that speaks directly to them.

So, get ready to take your marketing game to the next level!

What you need to know about marketing automation workflows

Ready to supercharge your marketing workflows? Before diving in, check out these tips to boost their performance and make your campaigns truly shine!


Segmenting your audience is a game changer! It helps you send the right message to the right person at just the right time, letting you create much more personalized campaigns. Instead of blasting the same email to everyone, you can customize your communication based on things like:

  • Where they’re located

  • Their demographics (like age, gender, and job)

  • Their browsing or shopping history

  • How much they spend with you

  • How likely they are to unsubscribe

Plus, McKinsey research shows that companies that nail personalization can see a whopping 40% boost in revenue!

Automation triggers

Once you've crafted your marketing automation workflow, the exciting next step is determining what will set it in motion! Triggers can differ based on your specific workflows. Here are some great examples:

  • Someone fills out the sign-up form? Boom! A welcome email is on its way!

  • A visitor checks out a specific product page? Get ready to activate a product abandonment workflow!

  • If a shopper adds an item to their cart and then bounces? Time to kick off a cart abandonment workflow!

Let the automation magic begin!

A/B testing

Creating messages is just the first step! The next thing you want to do is make sure they actually connect with your audience. The best way to figure this out is through A/B testing. This means having at least two versions of your message running at the same time and comparing the results to see which one works better.

You can test out a bunch of different things to find out what gets the most opens, clicks, or orders, like:

  • CTAs

  • Subject lines

  • Body content

  • Personal touches, like using the recipient’s name

For SMS campaigns, keep an eye on those open and click rates too. You can even find out which channels brought in the most completed orders on your store pages. It’s all about figuring out what resonates!

Communication channels

The evidence is clear: using multiple channels in your marketing efforts can really boost your sales! And it’s not just a small increase—marketers who used three or more channels saw an incredible 494% higher order rate compared to those who stuck to one channel. Plus, adding push messages led to a whopping 614% higher order rate!

You can get creative with how you mix and match these channels in your campaigns. For instance, you could send an email with a special offer and then follow up with an SMS if the recipient hasn’t opened it within two hours. Some brands even use SMS to let people know about time-sensitive emails or send push notifications to drive more traffic to their sites.

Let’s dive into some fun examples of marketing automation workflows!

1. Welcome automation workflow

Trigger: Subscribe to or purchase a product/service

Hey there! A welcome email is the first message a new contact gets after signing up with you, and guess what? They have an average open rate of 30.69%—which is over 202% higher than your typical email campaigns!

You can send just one email or even a series, and we’ve found that sending three emails usually brings in better results.

So, what should you include in your welcome automation workflow? Here are some popular ideas:

  • Share your company’s story

  • Showcase your awesome products

  • Offer a special discount

  • Include reviews from happy customers

  • Invite them to follow you on social media

Happy emailing!

2. Browse abandonment automation workflow

Trigger: When Browsers Leave Important Pages 

Are you losing potential customers when they browse your site? Browse abandonment automation workflows are here to help you re-engage those visitors who explore your website but leave without taking action. Your goal? To bring them back and recapture those lost conversions!

If a visitor is already on your contact list, you can set up a savvy workflow that triggers whenever they view specific pages and then exit without making a purchase. Imagine sending them a friendly reminder like, “We noticed you left without buying!” You could even sweeten the deal by offering a discount or free shipping if they complete their purchase within a certain timeframe.

Browse abandonment emails are powerful tools for rekindling interest, and when those visitors do make a purchase, they’ll receive order confirmation emails—boosting their engagement and deepening their connection with your brand. Don’t miss out on the chance to turn window shoppers into loyal customers!

3. Product abandonment automation workflow

Trigger: when a visitor lands on a specific product page!

A product abandonment workflow is like browse abandonment emails, but with a twist: these emails are tailored for visitors who view only specific products. Unlike broader browse abandonment emails, this approach allows you to craft highly targeted messages that resonate with potential customers.

Since this workflow activates upon viewing particular pages, you can showcase enticing product features or share glowing recent reviews, capturing the attention of your audience and encouraging them to revisit!

4. Cart abandonment automation workflow

Trigger: When visitors add a product to their cart but don’t complete the purchase.

Cart abandonment is a powerhouse in marketing automation workflows, and for good reason! Snatcher Online raked in over $120,000 in less than a year using this strategy.

So, what's the magic behind cart abandonment workflows? It’s straightforward! When visitors show interest by adding items to their cart but leave without completing the sale, the workflow steps in to gently nudge them back. It’s a reminder of what they’re missing and an opportunity to address any hesitations they might have.

The most effective cart abandonment solutions leverage a mix of channels, including:

  • Engaging automated workflows with emails and SMS

  • Eye-catching exit-intent popups offering special deals to seal the deal

  • Retargeting campaigns on Google or social media that keep those favored items top of mind

Take Basic Piece, for instance. They send a friendly email just one hour after a visitor abandons their cart. If there’s still no action by the next day, they follow up with a text message—because sometimes, a little reminder is all it takes!

5. Order confirmation automation workflow

Trigger: when visitors complete their transaction

Hey there! Did you know that order confirmation emails are some of the most effective when it comes to open and click-through rates? It makes sense—after making a purchase, people are eagerly waiting for that email, which usually contains important info like order details and estimated delivery dates.

Not only do folks expect these emails, but they often check them multiple times! They’re packed with valuable information, like what's been ordered, the delivery address, total price, and expected arrival, so it’s natural for recipients to double-check everything.

To make your order confirmation email even better, consider adding a few things:

  • An order timeline that sets clear expectations from processing to shipping and delivery.

  • Best sellers that show what other buyers are checking out.

  • Upsells and cross-sells that suggest items that go well with their order or enhance it even more.

Plus, you can turn that order confirmation email into a bigger marketing opportunity by following up with additional emails that help customers maximize their new purchase, like:

  • Care tips

  • Ideas for pairing it with other items

  • Suggestions for related products they might love

It’s a great way to keep the conversation going and add value for your customers!

6. Shipping confirmation automation workflow

Trigger: when the order has been shipped

So, you’ve just shipped an order—now what? A shipping confirmation workflow typically just sends a quick message letting the buyer know their order is on the way. But why not take it a step further? Instead of just a standard confirmation, you can set up an automated email series that kicks in after shipping. It’s a perfect chance to get buyers excited about their package and share some helpful tips for when it arrives.

Take a page from Apple’s book—they do this really well! They not only provide info on trading in or recycling older devices, but they also share FAQs, setup advice, and even links to accessories to encourage cross-selling. It's a great way to enhance the customer experience!

7. Upselling/cross-selling automation workflow

Trigger: Segmenting customers based on their purchase behavior is a game-changer!

When it comes to upsells and cross-sells, there are two big reasons customers love them:

  1. They already trust you.

  2. The recommended products are directly related to what they've just bought.

Essentially, you’re saying, “Hey, want to make that awesome new item even better?” And more often than not, the answer is a resounding yes!

But what’s the difference between upselling and cross-selling?

Upselling is all about encouraging a customer to consider a higher-end version of a product they're eyeing. Picture this: you walk into a phone shop ready to snag the latest iPhone. You’re focused on the regular model, but before you know it, the salesperson has you checking out the flagship Pro version. They highlight the sleek upgrades and features, and soon you’re convinced that’s the one you really need. That’s upselling in action!

Now, as you’re about to make your purchase, the salesperson suggests a protective case—because who wouldn’t want to keep their shiny new phone safe? You grab that, and then you also go for a wireless charger and the latest Bluetooth headphones. That’s cross-selling—adding complementary items to enhance your original purchase.

You can see cross-selling in action every time you visit Amazon. Just look for the “Customers also bought these items…” bar—it’s a treasure trove of related products ready to catch your interest!

By using customer segmentation, you can trigger personalized upselling and cross-selling strategies, or even include recommended products in the order confirmation email. Engaging your customers in these ways not only boosts your sales but also enhances their shopping experience!

8. Product review marketing automation workflow

Trigger: product purchase or customer interaction

Reviews are incredibly powerful—they build trust and encourage potential customers to choose you and your products, ultimately boosting your sales! However, not all customers take the time to leave feedback, and manually reaching out to every buyer can be a hassle.

Instead, why not streamline the process? Add a review request message at the end of your marketing workflows!

Timing is crucial for this request. If you ask too soon, customers might not have had enough time to truly enjoy the product. If you wait too long, that initial excitement may fade, along with their interest in recommending your store or product.

We suggest kicking off with a warm thank-you email, then waiting about a week to share helpful tips or ideas about the product before requesting a review. To maximize your impact, consider A/B testing email vs. SMS for your request to see which channel resonates more with your audience. Let’s turn those satisfied customers into advocates!

9. Birthday marketing automation workflow

Trigger: the date that matches your subscribers’ birthdays!

Let your audience know you care by sending them a message on their special day. These birthday messages can be super personalized—or at least, they should be if you want to follow best practices.

Setting this trigger is easy! Just tell your workflow to send a message whenever a subscriber’s birthday comes up. You could go for an email, SMS, or push notification on their big day, or even try sending something a day or two early.

Just a heads up: you need to ask your subscribers for their birthdays, so make sure to add that field to your sign-up forms or landing pages. If you’re only collecting their name and email, you won’t be able to send those birthday wishes!

10. Custom automation workflows (based on customer behavior)

The beauty of an automated email workflow is its flexibility—it's entirely up to you! If you’ve explored our previous nine examples and think we’ve missed a scenario, no worries—that’s where custom automation workflows shine.

These workflows feature unique events based on your needs and customer behavior. Check out some exciting possibilities:

  • Back-in-stock alerts: Keep your visitors in the loop! If they've shown interest in a product that's currently unavailable, let them know the moment it's back on the shelves.

  • Free trial sign-ups: Excite potential customers when they register to try your new service or product. This approach is also great for gauging interest ahead of a launch!

  • New product launches: Make sure your most relevant customers are in the know about your latest offerings. Target those who have previously purchased similar items, browsed related product pages, or fit into your VIP segment.

  • Announcement emails: Beyond the specific triggers, keep your audience updated on anything important! Whether it’s a branding change, a survey, a new partnership, or an upcoming event, make sure they’re the first to hear the news.

Embrace the power of customization and watch your engagement soar!

Ready to create powerful workflows?

Digiscale’s marketing workflow tool is packed with features designed to elevate your strategy. Create precise audience segments using a wealth of data—behavior, demographics, engagement, location, and even zip codes!

Plus, with the Digiscale Email Builder, you can seamlessly add products from your store, automatically including images, descriptions, and prices. Maximize your marketing potential by utilizing the Product Recommender block to cross-sell effortlessly within your workflows.

Ready to supercharge your marketing efforts and see a boost in revenue? Join Digiscale for free today! All our plans provide instant access to workflows, complete with pre-built templates to kickstart your journey. Don't miss out!

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